Families are expected to notify the school if their child will not attend class on any given day. They are also expected to inform the teachers if a child is absent because of a communicable illness so that other parents may be informed that their child may have been exposed to the illness.
If your child will be absent from preschool, please call 604-800-1197 to speak to a teacher or leave a message with the following information:
child’s name
parent name
relevant health information (if your child has a communicable illness)
If you know in advance that your child will be missing one or more classes, please let the teachers know. This helps them maintain accurate records of attendance in case of emergency.
No refunds or prorated fees will be provided for missed classes. Tuition fees must be paid to hold a child’s space, regardless of the reason for absence.
If your child is not well enough to participate comfortably during indoor and outdoor activities, they should not come to school.
The following symptoms require children to stay home from school for a period of 24 hours AFTER symptoms have subsided.
Persistent cough
If your child has a rash or infection (e.g., pink eye) they must be kept at home until all symptoms are completely gone (unless accompanied by a doctor’s note stating that they are not contagious).
If a child is sent to school unwell or they become unwell during the school day, they will be required to leave. Please have alternative care options and authorized individuals available to pick up.